Stretch Fabric Care and Cleaning

White 9m x 12m Stretch Tent - one side down
White 9m x 12m Stretch Tent – one side down

Our Fabric Assets

Our fabric has been specifically chosen for its strength, flexibility and longevity.  It’s designed to withstand the weather elements as well as the rigours that hire and event companies put their products through.  

All our fabrics are manufactured exclusively in Europe.

The Green Effect

Our premium Bedouinflex fabric is a PVC free fabric.  We use a polycarbonate Polyurethane in the coating as opposed to the far less environmentally friendly PVC coated fabric.

Some of the environmental benefits of Polyurethane are: 

  • Decomposes quicker than PVC (it breaks down to water rather than the toxic byproducts of PVC)
  • Incinerates more safely 
  • Emits a lower level of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) 
  • It is phthalate-free (phthalates [pronounced thalates] are a group of chemicals added to plastics for flexibility and durability, aka plasticizers)

Care and Cleaning

Our structures are super strong not only because of the quality of the fabric, but also because of the triple layer of fabric and elastic webbing along the edges of the tent.

This ensures that they are reinforced and strong enough the withstand the forces of winds that they are rated for. This area needs to be bone-dry before the structure is packed away (especially for end of season) as it takes the longest to dry, especially the elastic.

Our fabric is inherently dirt repellent and can be machine washed at a temperature of 75ºC. However, if stubborn stains such as red wine, pen marks or graffiti do occur, we recommend trying a 10 to 1 mixture of bleach cleaner. Simply make the mixture up and scrub it gently onto the effected area and leave to dry. Then wash off with a damp cloth with clean water.

All the fabrics do have the Ultra fresh Anti bacterial treatment impregnated into the fabrics.  This is the market leader for anti-fungal and anti-bacterial treatments and is used in medical grade fabrics.

Printing Process

Having the right fabric enables us to use the Dye Sublimation printing process when branding any of our stretch fabric products. This guarantees we achieve a high quality print and depth of colour. Read more about our printing process.