How to Draw a Large Crowd to your Events.

Is there anything worse than putting your blood, sweat, and tears into an event and having no one show up? Not only is this frustrating to an event planner, it is costly and doesn’t help your company achieve it’s objectives. Take steps to ensure your event is well attended and well worth your effort.  Start with these steps:
  1. Build strategic relationships

Companies aren’t successful on their own, nor is the case with events. It takes a lot of hands on deck to pull off a great event! Use your networking and relationship building skills to partner with people who can help drive traffic to your events. These relationships could be people who will help you produce, co-host, speak or present, or promote your event. It’s well worth taking the time to build your networking and relationship skills, not only for your events, but for your business bottom line as well.
  1. Make it easy to say yes

When you’re hosting an event, it’s important to remember that you’re requesting people give of their time to attend. This shouldn’t be taken lightly! You may be planning an amazing event with a great payoff for the attendees, but they’re still giving up their time to be there! With this in mind, you want to make the decision to spend their time to attend as easy as possible. Consider things like the cost of attending, location, and other logistics. You want everything from the invitation to the end of the event to be as seamless as possible from the guests’ point of view.
  1. Give them what they want

A big piece to getting your guests to attend your event is giving them an experience that they want. It seems pretty basic, but it’s a great way to ensure you are keeping the focus on the guest experience, which drives numbers. If your event is the place to be and be seen, guests are more likely to show up and with enthusiasm! You can set the stage by creating a complete guest experience that’s full of ambiance .This is what transforms an everyday event into one that truly makes people feel great about being there.
  1. Creative Marketing

Obviously people need to know about your event! So far we’ve covered how to set your event apart from others, but now you have to ensure people know about it. There are a ton of marketing tactics out there that you can use to get your event in the eyes and ears of the people you want to attend. We outline three ways to grab attention here and discuss broadening the scope of your event by creating true community here. It’s also important to focus on thinking outside of the box and keeping up with marketing trends as they shift. Much like creating the perfect StretchStructure for you, your imagination is really your only limitation.