Retractable Shade Sails – Re-invent your Outdoor Spaces!
Introducing our new range of Retractable Shade Sails and Canopies. The ultimate in European outdoor elegance. Manufactured in Italy, the retractable shade sails have a hand-operated spring roll out system. They provide elegant sun protection with the ability to roll away out of sight when not required.Feel like a fresh look for your outdoor area? These sleek shades look so good they can transform your outdoor space into an entertainers dream. Contact us with your shade sail requirements or click through to purchase Retractable Shade Sails or Canopies.
Once you’ve got your shade sorted, follow these 4 guidelines on how to make the best of your outdoor space.
1. Fill your space
Even if you’re dealing with a small space, it’s best to fill it with all the right things. Maybe a comfy all-weather couch, a hammock or even a giant bean bag (think they’re called Fat Sacks). And throw down an outdoor carpet for good measure too, that really makes it feel homely.

2. Add greenery
For a true escape zone, lush green shrubs can create the perfect escape.

3. Some personal touches
Continue your colour theme with some scatter cushions and colourful plants. They make the zones even more attractive and show off your personal style and taste.

4. Create atmosphere:
This is easy to achieve by dropping the ‘ceiling’ to create the perfect chill-out zone, using a shade sail or canopy. Subtle lighting always lends a beautiful ambience, or accessorise with tie back curtains to complete the perfect atmosphere.